Sunday, February 25, 2018

Syrian General Responsible For The Current Fighting Near Damascus Is Surrounded By Russian Soldiers (Video)

It is not known if the video was taken before the eastern Ghouta air strikes, or after. (Screen grab)

Al Arabiya: VIDEO: Syrian army brigadier speaks to troops flanked by Russian soldiers

A video surfaced showing Brigadier Suheil al-Hassan, known as the Tiger, speaking to Syrian regime troops in Damascus while being guarded by Russian soldiers.

The Russian soldiers were standing around al-Hassan dressed in military uniforms, carrying firearms with their hands on the trigger, appearing on high alert.

Al-Hassan was also surrounded by members of the Syrian army who were also on guard.

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WNU Editor: I for one would not be surprised if the Syrian political and military leadership have a contingent of Russian bodyguards always protecting them.

1 comment:

efFlh43 said...

I first seen this about a week ago, by a post of warsmonitoring ( ) so it's definitely not a new video, it's happened during the SAA force buildup. Russians/PMCs/SAA SF units guard him or not, I do not see it relevant, as long as he is protected, and so far he was and is ( many of his officers are not that lucky ). Also calling him responsible for the recent fighting in Damascus is untrue, it's just that he and some of his forces were transferred there and he takes a role in the battle, nothing more. Of how we got to the current situation in this part of Damascus is another, very long story that just a prime example of whats wrong with the rebels from a military point of view.